Heaters — SJ CAMPERS


Staying warm in your van…

Why limit staying out in your van to warm nights in mid summer? Here at SJ Campers, we fit various heaters to ensure you have the power to control the temperature inside your van, whatever the time of year, or depth of snow outside!


From £900+VAT

Universal Diesel heater - 2kW or 4kW 

We suggest you may wish to upgrade from 2kW to 4kW heater kit if the campervan is a high-top long wheelbase or large campervan. (2kW uses 60mm ducting and 4kW uses 90mm ducting.

(Image courtesy of Autoterm.co.uk)


Webasto Heaters

STC2000 From £1100 inc Fitting

The Webasto Air Top 2000ST C offers optimised fuel efficiency, A quiet and economical heater. This is the most compact Webasto 12v air heater with an impressive heat output of 2 kw. It has an class-leading low level of electrical power consumption equalled by a low level of diesel consumption - just 0.12 - 0.24 liters per hour of heater output operation, whisper quiet heating.. This air heater can be installed in addition to conventional heating systems for optimum comfort. 

Suitable for normal heating operation up to an altitude of 1500 meters.              

If you upgrade to the MultiControl HD or the Smart Controller and do not wish to mount the controller on the dashboard, please see related products below for the Webasto 3m controller extension harness.



Airtronic From £1080 including fitting

Image courtesy of Eberspacher.com

We also fit Eberspacher heaters, compact and economical, the Airtronic range offer optimised fuel effeciency, a range of operation modes and unsurpassed safety standards.